What is Depression?
- Depression is something when you feel sad
and don't want to talk about anything it can
Cause a person to death! Most people that I
See nowadays are having depression and that
also cause suicide I have learnt that depression
makes people different from who they are and
Depression is caused by family problems,
relationships, Works and sometimes studying
too but I am not saying that we shouldn't study
but when we are having trouble through
studies and to DEPRESSION ruins you and your
life your own Life with such a simple word, it is
worst than Anything you expect. Having a hard
time and Keeping matters to yourself is too
much that it Leads you to depressions. Family
matters like
When they fight and argue the ones who need
Cry and hide is you and relationships? I don't
Know much about relationships but when they
Leave you alone, you not only the one the one
who is left behind the memories that you spent
with them keeps bothering you cause your not
with them then you become sad and avoid
Peoples, friend and family then that becomes
Another Depression. Those who are reading
this things I wrote trust me on this one cause I
Have been through this!😁<33
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